Pt prima duta karya is an Importer in Indonesia, We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product, Price, Quantity, HS code, Ports and suppliers. Import data is collected through Govt. sources, port authorities and shipping line companies. We provide complete insight about every importer.
Port Name | Trade value |
Country | Trade Value |
CTH | Total |
85365020 | 5 |
85437040 | 2 |
85044090 | 1 |
85369019 | 1 |
85372019 | 1 |
CTH | Description |
[85361020] | For switches having rating above 15 amps, high rupturing capacity or rewireable |
[85361030] | Other rewireable fuses |
[85361050] | Fuses gear |
[85361060] | Electronic fuses |
[853620] | Automatic circuit breakers: |